Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Arts and Human Spirit Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Arts and Human Spirit - Essay Example This essay contains many refernces to aboriginal Australian arts, it's connections with the human soul, dreams, the Dreaming world, that was the old time of the Ancestor Beings and everyday lifestyle. The colonization and the new multicultural policy of Australia, named in this essay affected the art and the culture of the aboriginals very much. This policy had a long history of discrimination, so that Aboriginal people were forced by the legal system to claim rights in order to be allowed to exercise their responsibilities. As stated in the essay, that policy affected their art and their culture and only through the indigenous art they could describe their culture from generation to generation. In this essay such interesting important parts were described and researched: the art and culture of the aboriginals: the background; the relation between the aboriginal art and culture of the Australians; the impact of European colonization; dreaming, that was the beginning of knowledge: how it relates arts and human spirit. This essay also demonstrates in details that many contemporary Indigenous artists make artworks which comment on the impact of European colonization and also the loss of country that has been so central to their 'being' and 'belonging'. In conclusion, the most important understanding of art is that the loss of culture is linked to loss of country and displacement from tribal lands of Australian aborigines, caused the aboriginal art to prosper and improve it's storytelling manner.

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